
Interview Questions - A Scale

1) Everybody has times when they feel like there is too much pressure at work. What kinds of situations can cause you to feel this way?

1a) How do you handle this kind of situation when it happens to you? Please give me a specific example.

2) When someone at work starts to criticize you, how do you handle the situation?

3) Everyone has times when they find it hard to get going in the morning. What kinds of things can make you feel that way?

4) What would you say are the things that cause you the most problems on the job?

5) When things don't go your way, how do you deal with the situation? Please give me an example of where this has happened at work, and how you dealt with it.

6) With what kinds of people do you have the most difficulty ?

Interview Questions - C Scale

1) Just about everyone has times when customers/guests get to them. What kind of situations can cause you to feel this way?

1a) How do you (how would you) usually respond when this happens?

2) Eventually everyone runs into a customer/guest who keeps on complaining no matter what you do to help them. How do you (how would you) deal with situations like this when they occur?

3) The position you are applying for requires that you always be friendly and courteous to customers/guests. On the other hand, everybody has days when they are in a bad mood themselves. When you have a "bad" day how do you (how would you) try to keep it from affecting your contacts with customers/guests?

4) How do you (how would you) deal with situations where a customer/guest is rude to you?

5) When there are lots of customers/guests all asking for help at the same time, how do you (how would you) deal with the situation?

Interview Questions - E Scale

1) Just about everyone has times when the pressure gets to them and they find it difficult to relax. What kind of situations can cause you to feel this way?

1a) What do you usually do when you feel this way?

2) Just about everyone has times when they feel unappreciated at work, and feel that others are treated better than they are. When this happens to you, how do you deal with it?

3) What kinds of things at work get you the most frustrated?

3a) When this happens, how do you deal with the situation? Please give me an example.

4) When things don't go your way, how do you deal with the situation?

4a) Please give me an example that typifies how you deal with this kind of situation.

Interview Questions - F Scale

Begin the questions with a statement something like the following:

"It is not that unusual to have conflicts with your boss or supervisor from time to time. This is often due to things like a "personality conflict" or having a difference of opinion with your boss or supervisor."

1) Please tell me about a situation where this kind of thing has happened to you.

1a) What do you think caused the problem?

1b) How did you try to resolve things?

If the applicant states that he/she has never had a conflict with a boss or supervisor, ask the following questions (You can also ask the same type of questions regarding the persons relationships with coworkers.)

2) What kinds of things do you think could cause you to have a conflict with your boss or supervisor?

3) If you ever did have a conflict with your boss or supervisor, how would you try to resolve it?

4) I would like to speak with the person who was your supervisor at one or two of your previous jobs. Is that okay with you? (If no, ask what are the reasons)

Interview Questions - H Scale

Begin the questions with a statement something like the following:

"At some jobs employees take home materials or equipment that belong to their company, without permission. When this happens, the employees often feel that the company is big enough that it won't be hurt by losing a few things once in a while."

1) Have you ever worked at a company where this happened? (If Yes, ask for details)

2) What do you think is the right thing to do if you see someone taking Company materials or equipment without permission?

3) Did you ever find yourself taking things home from work that belonged to the company, without permission? (If Yes, ask for details)

Interview Questions - Q Scale

Begin the questions with a statement something like the following:

"It is quite common for people to leave one job and move on to a new one. The reasons for this differ from person to person."

1) Could you please tell me why you are interested in changing jobs at this time? (Details)

2) I notice on your application that your previous job was with (Name of Company). What were your reasons for leaving that position? (Inquire as to the reasons for leaving each previous employer listed in the application, getting specific details.)

3) What is the most interesting/exciting job you have ever had? (Ask for details regarding who, where, when, and what made it so interesting)

4) What kind of personal challenges do you look for in a job?

5) I would like to speak with the person who was your supervisor at one or two of your previous jobs. Is that okay with you? (If no, ask what are the reasons)

Interview Questions - S Scale

1) What do you do to keep yourself entertained, when things get boring on the job? (Ask for a specific example)

2) What kinds of things do you think could cause you to have a conflict with your supervisor or a coworker?

3) If you ever did have a conflict with your supervisor or a coworker, how would you try to resolve it? (Ask for a specific example)

4) How do you deal with situations at work when lots of things are going on at the same time?

5) Everyone has times when work pressure builds up and gets to be too much too handle. In the past, when this has happened to you, how did you try to deal with the situation? (Ask for specific details)

6) When things at work don't go your way, how do you deal with the situation? Please give me a specific example.

7) When you have deadlines to meet and you are short on time, how do you try to handle the situation?
