
Qualifying Questions continued...



Work Schedule continued

15. Are you will to work a rotating shift schedule?



1. No


2. Yes


16. Are you willing to work overtime?



1. No


2. Yes


17. Are you willing to work overtime on short notice, for example the same day?



1. No


2. Yes


18. Are you willing to work weekends?



1. No


2. Yes


19. What type of work are you looking for?



1. Part-time


2. Full-time


3. Either


20. Enter the number of hours each week you are available for work. For example, if you are available for 35 hours, enter 3-5.




1. Less than 20 hours per week


2. 20-30 hours per week


3. 30-40 hours per week


4. 40 hours per week or more


21. How much notice to you need to begin working for our company?




1. You need at least one months notice


2. You need at least 3 weeks notice


3. You need at least 2 weeks notice


4. You need at least 1 weeks notice


5. You can start work immediately



© Copyright 2000, HR Services, Inc., Lima, Ohio &
Bay State Psychological Associates, Inc., Boston, MA