Attendance and Tardiness
30. Select the answer that
best describes the number of days of unauthorized absence from
work you have had in the last 12 months?
1. More than 10 times
2. 7-10 times
3. 4-6 times
4. 2-3 times
5. 1 time
6. I have not had any unauthorized absences from
work in the last 12 months
7. This will be my first job
31. Select the answer that
best describes the number of times you have been tardy or late
to work in the last 12 months?
1. More than 10 times
2. 7-10 times
3. 4-6 times
4. 2-3 times
5. 1 time
6. I have not been tardy or late to work in the
last 12 months
7. This will be my first job
32. Select the answer that
best describes the best time that we can reach you?
1. Mornings, before noon
2. Afternoons, between 12:00pm and 5:00pm
3. Evenings, After 5:00
4. Weekends
5. Anytime
33. Are you able to relocate
if necessary?
1. No
2. Yes
34. Are you able to travel
if necessary?
1. No
2. Yes