
Seven Work Behavior Skills Assessed
By The HR Pre-Qualify System

Freedom From Disruptive Alcohol and Illegal Drug Use
Assesses the likelihood that a candidate's work performance will be reliable, in that if the person uses alcohol or illegal drugs, his/her performance will not be disrupted by behaviors such as inattentiveness, lost time, failing to follow through on assignments, or other inappropriate work behaviors. 
Assesses the likelihood that a candidate's interactions with customers/guests will be characterized by a high level of courtesy and commitment to service. 
Emotional Maturity 
Assesses the likelihood that a candidate's work performance will be characterized by mature behavior, and that it will not be disrupted by the presence of maladaptive personality traits such as irresponsibility, poor judgment, difficulty in working cooperatively with others, low frustration tolerance, or poor impulse control. 
Assesses the likelihood that a candidate will perform on the job in a productive and conscientious manner and will not be fired. 
Assesses the likelihood that a candidate will perform in a trustworthy manner and will not engage in various forms of property deviant behavior. 
Long Term Job Commitment 
Assesses the likelihood that a candidate will make a long term commitment to the job and will not quit. 
Safe Job Performance 
Assesses the likelihood that a candidate will perform on the job in a safe manner and will not have a significant on-the-job accident.
